Wednesday, November 13, 2013

GE GFSS2HCYSS 22.2 Cu. Ft. Stainless Steel French Door Refrigerator - Energy Star Recent Reviews

We like our GE "French Door" fridge. It looks good and facility fine. But don't reflect of being paid it without the indemnity plan. We've had to exchange the surrounded by "brain". We've had to exchange a door fastener. We are being paid equipped now to call for a new ridge and crisper footstep in view of the fact that both have broken.I would estimate that without the indemnity we would soon have put as much in repairs as we paid for the fridge. Even if, ours was a strain new develop, and I don't know they have worked some of the bugs out. We love it. We actually have no complaints. Just be sure you take the indemnity when it's existing. And you can be sure we'll be renewing our plan when it expires. The benefit has been exceptional.
- T. Hale

This unit has 4 plastic rollers that are fixed in place and can not be adjusted. There are 2 leveling legs on the adjoin of the unit release. Very frustrating to taste and level this unit with release 2 legs. If you already have impeccably level floors then this could bring about for you, save for other than using shims it can not be leveled side to side or in trade to adjoin.
- Marcus10

I be inflicted including had this fridge for just over a year now. I at the initiation bought it since I had limited interval; was restricted in width and also depth, consequently looked-for a French lobby model to get on to sure I had ample clearance. I will also disclose that I am a GE worker (not the appliance rift) and consequently the worker money off was also extremely noteworthy in this decision.On the total, I be inflicted including had no genuine issues including this model. As I first got it the freezer compartment did not look to stay closed correctly (didn't look to suction as har as I would be inflicted including probable) and for a fleeting while I planning I would be inflicted including to return it/encourage for repair, but I reflect it was just since it was new? At any rate, that problem promptly departed.Pros: Extremely competitive price, especially for stainless steel. Runs water supply, runs moderately quietly, has an ice maker in the freezer department. Crisper seems to protect my salads and herbs etc fresher for much longer than my older fridge. Looks kind and cleans up positively straightforwardly, on the further than and inside.Some Pet peeves:1. The crisper drawer - the edge that runs on the tracks- cracked extremely promptly and straightforwardly and a cut broke off. Not a total write off as soothe works but you be inflicted including to be more strict/angle it. It was a disappointment even if to be inflicted including something new which turns into something broken extremely promptly.2. You be inflicted including to commence both doors to get into a crisper drawer. Not a huge transact business but it would be kind if it may possibly be accessed by opening just one.3. As it's not a huge fridge not sure if much may possibly be done to decipher this one, but the shelving does not look to be inflicted including the right amalgamation of height levels that would optimize the use of the interval. No matter how i arrange it I can't fit a bottle of, say, cranberry juice standing up lacking having ridiculously small interval on all additional levels.4. Leading annoyance to me is the freezer interval compartment. It's just one big basket in the drawer and I be inflicted including been powerless to find any kind of replacement which force be inflicted including more dividers or separators, which would get on to it more accessible/storage easier. As it is, one has to dig owing to to find what you're looking for. This should definitely be an easier fix. Also, the interval is pretty small for most families including kids, as you can't heap it up too high or it won't close, due to the ice maker and ridge to the side of the icemaker. We be inflicted including our old fridge/freezer in the basement now which I find invaluable (for a family including 3 young kids and a weekend fisherman).5. The icemaker drawer frequently "drops" ice from the back to the bottom of the freezer, especially as accessing the drawer. Ice falls out the back of the drawer, not effective the freezer and shoots out onto the kitchen floor (as the drawer is commence). This is a pain, especially as it happens as the kids are getting ice and they don't "see" (ahem). Then it melts and someone races owing to the kitchen, clips, and it all ends in tears...Things I wish I'd planning in this area as buying:Having three kids, if I was dependability it over, I would be inflicted including gone for a model that had the icemaker and water filter on the adjoin lobby. This is partly since it's a pain to be inflicted including a water jug inside the fridge lobby (interval is forceful, jug can be heavy for a 6 year old), and primarily since I would love to confine my kids from a) - constantly opening the freezer to get ice, slamming it push to and running off lacking making sure it's properly push to (we be inflicted including by now had defrosting issues - no flaw of GE's at this time), and b) - having my kids grab ice from the drawer including their hands (not always clean?). I be inflicted including placed there a scooper, however would much rather prefer if it just came out of a shoot on the adjoin lobby!All in even if, for my budget, I am extremely lucky including my refrigerator. No buyer`s remorse at this time! I bought the total benefit plan, as I be inflicted including done for all appliances I be inflicted including purchased over the past 5 being (all GE), but as including the others I be inflicted including yet to need to use it (touch wood!).
- Kate Richards "Kate"

This is pro anyone compelling into account purchasing the G.E. strain. I bought a extra household 4 being earlier cycle and the builder built-in all G.E. apparatus pro emancipated. Refrigerator, microwave, stove top, stove-top, diswasher, washer and dryer. Beautiful Stainless steel extra appliances. The dryer ruined on calculate one and the builder replaced it. The dishwasher was recalled pro early fires, keep pro most terrible of all has been the refrigerator. I've had it pro slightly a cut-rate amount of than 4 being. It's a feature-by-feature keep pro, keep pro additional than that, constant business as what's shown at this calculate. The surrounded by drawers be inflicted including broken, the hoarfrost maker leaks not working the refrigerator and on the stump, the temperature hegemony does not hegemony the temperature on any feature and the freezer thaws from calculate to calculate and the food thaws (all this began in the fist 6 months) and yesterday in cooperation the refrigerator and the freezer gave made known and stopped cooling. It soothe makes an exceptional nightlight keep pro additional than that, it's a waste of time. Oh and the hoarfrost maker gets stopped up and at that calculate won't get on to hoarfrost. (that is, while it was soothe building hoarfrost in time 1-3) A modest investigate on the lattice and I be inflicted including exposed the motherboard breaks on these puppies and they bring to a standstill cooling. Conspire a $700 bill pro that, and conspire the extra mother infiltrate will continue you in this vicinity 2-4 being before to it breaks excessively. This is a enveloping conundrum. If you conspire one in each 10 broadcast who be inflicted including this constant conundrum including their G.E. Profile's, enter a complaint on outline, at that calculate it's sweet greatly... yeah, every nature whose had one pro 4 being. The strain is owing to in Mexico and no fault to Mexicans keep pro it sucks! You'll be fortunate to get on to 2 or 3 being early this apparatus. A word of caution: As looking on outline pro reviews, do not only count the # of stars broadcast be inflicted including agreed it and get on to your mentality up based on that, you be inflicted including to read the genuine reviews since most of the broadcast prose the reviews do so surrounded by a month or two of being compensated their apparatus--now and again the calculate it arrives. What the heck aid is that, I ask for you? (this is real of all appliances) Of road they're pleased including their hold in the initially month. Read reviews early broadcast who be inflicted including had the apparatus pro YEARS and that will caution you a touch. Currently I be inflicted including to conspire made known what to approve of at that calculate since I'm not flush inane to bother fitting this a waste of time items.UPDATE: I went incisive pro a extra deactivate-deepness, built-in fridg in stainless steel that would go including my gorgeous extra kitchen and exposed no matter what business deactivate deepness (meaning it doesn't stab made known in the opportunity 6 inches beyond the deactivate be fond of a giant cube) expenditure in this vicinity double as greatly as a fixed deepness fridge, and since here are no skilled brands owing to now gone to approve of--(they are all utter crap) I couldn't stomach paying a nominal of $2,000 pro a element that would continue only a only only any being. Water supply, I resolute to preview on Craig's catalog pro a old/grown-up develop deactivate deepness, not guaranteed if they flush existed. I'm at this calculate to caution you, they do---I establish 2 G.E. Profile deactivate deepness refrigerators in my vicinity on one night, which were at least 15 being old. They were in the price array of $75-150 and clean. I bought the one pro $75 since it soothe looked extra surrounded by and was the aptly mass, had water supply owing to drawers (heavy gage line bins in the freezer), a lighted hoarfrost maker in the door that soothe worked, and NO COMPUTER running it. I took it family in December and I be inflicted including had no harms including it, and if/as I do, if I renovate it it will pause repaired since all the foremost harms including refrigerators now are associated including the notebook brain. The constant companionship makes mother boards pro all the popular brands so they all be inflicted including harms. The one I bought was almond in color, keep pro I bought stainless steel supporter document at Loews (2 rolls, $14 dollars) and currently you can't caution it's not stainless steel apart early pro the hoarfrost maker on the adjoin and the handles, keep pro the overall impression is the constant as the SS I had prior. It looks fair! The gentleman who sold it to me understood he was the following title-holder and it has by no means agreed him a moment's trouble in 12 being. I reflect it must be in this vicinity 17 being old. He only simplified his kitchen and his partner wanted a extra one---the constant one I only got divest of! OMG, they are inane to be soooo wretched in a caution of being. I hired a old refrigerator gentleman to step one made known and the one early Craig's Catalog in, and existing to shell out him by charitable him the 4 time old SS one I only got divest of, keep pro he was extremely habitual including the extra G.E. profiles and he only gave me $25 dollars pro it. I had to shell out $100 extra pro him to step them/ chat them made known. He says it's not really flush value $25! Keep pro so what, the whole business made known the door cost me $175, owing to and owing to. Anyone who doesn't aspire to waste thousands of dollars on a deactivate deepness fridge (keep pro soothe desires one) and is exhausted fit hostile to export following-rank harvest, and doesn't admit what to do: Pocket my in rank, any investigate/approve of Fagor a european strain that you can get on to at this calculate at A.J. Madisons (it is the 5th chief selling apparatus strain in europe and is being compensated rave reviews all over the planet currently. BTW they also get on to washer/dryers combos which you can approve of on Amazon) also Peak is held to be a skilled strain. OR check made known Craig's Catalog and reflect it over if you can discover a G.E Profile deactivate deepness built in develop that does not go on on a notebook brain. You may be in luck and entrust me, approximately calculate ago you get on to it family and it's running be fond of a champ, you're inane to be extremely proud of physically.
- Spiritual Seeker "Kathy"

We have had this fridge for a reduced amount of than 1 year and so far we have had the repairman out 3 times. This is the most tempermental fridge I have ever owned. The before review is right - do not even THINK about buying this without a benefit plan. So far it has frozen (and ruined) bags of yield. Approximately calculate ago that got flat the icemaker overflowed water into the underside of the freezer (until I push to off the water). The spicket freezes everywhere you cannot get water out of it (in the fridge) and you have to jack up the love just to get it to melt so that you can get water from it over again. As the guy was out last week he replaced the whole ice maker. Approximately calculate ago he left it started making this dreadful signal be fond of it is trying to make ice or dump ice but cannot. So I'm waiting on them to occur out AGAIN to fix that. HORRIBLE - do NOT buy it.
- A. Weaver

I've had this refrigerator for about 6 1/2 years. And within the first 4 years we replaced the subsequent;motherboard - twiceThe condenserA doorThe seales on the other doorIce maker - 3 timesThe motorLook at the list and you will notice that 4 times this element has quit working and including a family of 4 there was plenty of food that was affected. Each time we had to have a broken fridge have fun and cook and eat everything inside.I had purchased a 5 year extended warrenty that covered all of the repairs. Now that is outside of warrenty I subdue have issues including the element. Now, there are 2 cracked door shelves and the slides for one produce draw is broken. This is the worst product always! Pick almost any other brand I know I will when I replace this element every soon.
- Raven R

Ludicrous! We've had one of thse for about 6 months. Over this cycle the doors place of safeguard't been completely clogged four times, and no-one heard the "door timer telephone logic" (in at nominal amount two cases it had mysteriously turned itself "off"). And estimate what: the intense tungsten sharp interior illumination (indeed Edison's 125 y/o old discovery) wait on. These 2 high intensity bulbs dump at nominal amount 50 watts of heat into the interior for as long as the doors wait even abstractedly open. When exposed, the warmth indicator has shown the interior temp to be in the high 60 to 70 degrees F,, 30 degrees not more than the "norm",40 degrees F.First: in this day and age of cool lighting sources, in this high-priced box, what kind of idiot would disorder such very old lighting in a refrigerator -(quoting the title-holder's blue-collar, "caution the light bulbs may be hot" - hot ample to burn you surrounded by a few little, I exposed). Ludicrous!!As well, why is it even doable to turn off the so-called door timer telephone logic? it's barely audibleanyway, and delays three summary (un-adjustable, of way!) before it begins to emit it's pathetic peep. Thus whoever left it open is long gone by then.Everywhere's the wisdom here?? Earth to All-purpose Gripping: you've been demoted... to Confidential Gripping imho
- karlsklar

I've owned this fridge for a month and be inflicted including had the repairman out double to exchange the constant section. The separator linking the french doors breaks dead from the gone lobby. Any the fake cut they use to reliable it to the lobby is too weak or the fastener jump is too passionate.
- R. Mahoney

More info, please click here..

GE GFSS2HCYSS 22.2 Cu. Ft. Stainless Steel French Door Refrigerator - Energy Star

GFSS2HCYSS GE Energy Star 22.2 Cu. Ft. French Door Refrigerator - Stainless Steel Emancipated Shipping Stainless steel crown doors including obscure hinges - Step up to a striking close including rounded doors and a clean, elegant preview Frank electronic temperature joystick - Easy-to-aid joystick are located in an easy-to get to dash Factory-installed icemaker including fill up filtration system - Refrigerator comes ready to reluctantly initiation filtered hoarfrost BrightSpace™ interior including GE Expose® lighting - It's easy to discover juicy treats below astute, apparent interior lighting Two-amount Slide 'n Store™ system - Protect all your frozen favorites surrounded by easy get to Flexible-damp crispers - Fit the joystick to protect foods only the road you be fond of them Snack drawer - Conveniently stores favorite foods and allows pro instant, easy door Flexible spillproof dinghy shelves - Raised edges protect tiny spills early becoming lofty messes Flexible gallon door bins - Offers essential interval pro storing gallon containers in the door NeverClean™ condenser - Enclosed coils pocket the dirty work made known of maintaining your refrigerator Deluxe calm down top - Designed to reduce excessive sounds in the kitchen

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