- JK
Samsung Refridgerator RSG309AARS is great, the facial appearance it provides to any kitchen is awesome, the storage interval it contains is just perfect.
- Ricardo Vela
I own an RF267 Samsung fridge. I vastly recommend you quest online in this vicinity problems including Samsung refrigerators including the intention of are release 2-3 being old. Ours is leaking fill up. Our in-laws are having the same conundrum including their Samsung refrigerator. I recommend you do some investigate before to export a Samsung refrigerator.
- amazonman288
This side by side refrigerator has a enormous storage capacity and comes complete including a touchscreen computer that does everything but cook for you. Having owned Samsung refrigerators in the past, I find for myself more than delighted including this newest offering. As including my before one, the ice maker is built into the entrance, thus saving a lot of opportunity in the freezer section. All the excitement now seems to be over french entrance refrigerator/freezers, but not for me. I don't be fond of bending down to get things from a freezer. I find the side by side to be a lot more convenient. As mentioned, this has a large capacity, which measures approximately 30 cubic feet. It's all stainless steel and quite aesthetically lovely. The refrigerator section has five spill waterproof tempered glass shelves. There are five entrance bins, three of which are large enough to pile a 12-15 pound turkey(I'm guessing at this). The refrigerator also comes including three crisping drawers. The massive freezer comes including five glass shelves, and includes two drawers and three entrance bins. My before Samsung had a 27 cubic foot capacity, but somehow this one seems to be significantly better. The touchscreen, while somewhat intimidating, serves a number of purposes, such as providing you including recipes. It's also capable of involving to AP News, Pandora touchtone phone system, and can flush pile your photographs. Once you get used to it, you'll wonder how you ever got along without it. My single concern is that a touchscreen computer can be sticky if the software malfunctions, thus my recommendation would be to purchase an extended warranty, which would pocket in any looked-for repairs or malfunctions. The touchscreen also provides you including basic information about the refrigerator/freezer, such as temperature, time, etc. You can flush use it to get the newest weather report. It's truly phenomenal. While this is an expensive refrigerator/freezer, in my opinion it's worth the price due to its enormous storage capacity, numerous bins and shelves, and definitely for the touchscreen computer. I'm rating this 4 stars(see below) because I just purchased it and be inflicted including no comments that I can make regarding long-term reliability. My before Samsung worked flawlessly, including the exception of one issue that I had including the ice maker. For this reason, and for the fact that this model has the same type of ice maker, I'm hesitant to give it 5 stars. At this time's the problem that I had. On the older element, the ice maker jammed, and not knowing what to do, I opened the freezer entrance and emptied the entire ice bin. When I closed the entrance, the ice maker was subdue jammed, so I switched buttons from ice to water. As soon as I did this, water was spilling all over the floor, as it wouldn't shut off. When I opened the freezer entrance, the water would stop dripping, but as soon as I closed it, it would continue to run. After a couple of summary, I discovered that the problem was that ice had be converted into jammed in the entrance dispenser. I stuck my hand up the dispenser and removed it. After doing so, the ice dispenser resumed effective properly and the water ceased spilling on the floor. The exact same thing happened two times while I owned the older model. When I called Samsung regarding this new refrigerator/freezer, I was told that this problem does not exist on this model. Single time will tell if this is true. The bottom line is that this is an awe-inspiring refrigerator/freezer. It's probably more than most people would ever need, but is surely something that a lot of people would find extremely useful. If it turns out to be reliable, than it's without a doubt one of the best appliances that you could ever hope to own.
- Andy Rosenblum "Andy Rosenblum"
I would in rank anyone not to hold this Samsung refrigerator. Had it for 6 months now.Samsung Help is not open. Ice Maker Makes loud noise for 1 min every 1-2 hours. Can't sleep at night since of the noise it makes. it reverberates thru the whole house.I spent $3000 on this.... not worth it.
- Subrahmanyam Mokkapati
YOUR REFRIGERATORS SUCK!!!! By no means approve of a samsung refrigerator!!!! after 7 months it started having problems and currently they wont in trade the warranty because it was a floor develop. Tell everyone you know!!! Their customer service blows. thankfulness for not anything justin starting samsung customer servicE.YOUR A HORRIBLE COMPANY THAT DOES NOT BACK YOUR WARRANTY ON A BADLY DESIGNED REFRIGERATOR!!!!!!I WILLL NEVER BUY ANOTHER ONE OF YOUR PRODUCTS EVER AGAIN.I AM GOING TO HAVE EVERY ONE OF MY FRIENDS AND FAMILY FORWARD THIS MESSAGE ON FACEBOOK, TWITTER, TUMBLR UNTIL YOU CORRECT THIS!!!
- Gabe
the fridge has a compact ice maker and wifi which allows me to take note to composition even as I prep food. I also love the fact that I can try out the ride out, read headline news, and house clarification on the fridge panel. It is a splendid fridge with twin cooling engines and LED illumination. All of the facial appearance are what I sought after in a fridge and more. I would urge it to anyone who desires a fridge substitution (as I did).
- Helen Tsai-boey
I have owned this fridge for about 8 months now, the features are pretty cool. The filters are kind of pricey, but I bought it for the computer cover and thats it.
- JP
We had a top rated GE refrigerator for 9 years. It had a great describe but did not hold temperatures well and vital habitual repairs. It conked out and we had to buy a new fridge quick so we looked at Consumer Intelligence and since we had not time to shop, we went on line and purchased the top rated Samsung lacking eeing an real model. Wished we had read the reviews first. We sought after white but it wasn't in stock so we got stainless steel. Big mix. It is stainless only on the doors. Sides are an ugly dark grey.Blue-collar poorly on paper. No info on how to clean stainless steel which quickly becomes a mess. Blue-collar actually only tells how to set up fridge. No info as to where the water filter is.Do not have selection of not using water filter which we don't need since our water is great to begin with. Other brands allow user to plug filter hole so no need for filter. Can't rearrange door shelves which results in atrophied space. Limited rearrangement of interior shelves. The icemaker is only one of its kind and great but water point doesn't give out cold water. Love reins are great. Can get austere temperatures. Lighting is LED which is energy reduction but doesn’t give off enough light. Covered storage space screened-off area on refrigerator door is too small to store no matter what thing. Needs to be two inches privileged in height. The underneath door tray is a waste of time. Fridge has a lot of interior space but since shelving is poorly approved, too much space is unusable.The fridge door has three big shelves which are the only place that gallon milk cartons will fit as well as liter bottles of soda. Not very useful if not used for this function. Can fit any two gallons of milk on each shelf or three liters. Would much very have smaller shelves to store jams jars, salad dressings, store jars, barbeque sauces, etc. As a replacement for have to store on fixed shelves which is very inconvenient. we bought fake baskets to put these items in but it is a hassle to use them. So even if this fridge has al lot more space than most fridges, more space is atrophied. And it comes with a wine pot rack which we find a waste of time.
- Able Devildog "jackjack5"
after 5 month ice gets bent very slowly (1/5 of a bucket in 24 hours) the Cubed ice gets given up the ghost when dispensed.Conception the assess home depot site I now scared to call for technician to come in as it will get worth....not sure what to do now.For those who are looking for all-function assess - wireless staff works poor. I have 5 bar tie on the laptop and all phones in the kitchen but for this beast it is rumor has it that not enough and the indicate is too poor to connect!! The light in the back do not let you see whats in the fridge. And a lot more... To say that it is not worth the money is to say not anything !
- Artur
Samsung RSG309 30 Cubic Foot Side by Side Refrigerator with 2 Doors, Integrated Water & Ice, an, Real Stainless
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