- C.G.
The Amana ABB2224WEB is an impressive refrigerator with a modest freezer. At first glance, it has a more streamlined look than the feature-by-feature units. The lack of a water dispenser means that there is nothing to break up the design. Starting that standpoint, while it looks basic and sports a few exposed black screws, it is elegant. However, it also looks like almost every other bottom-freezer refrigerator that is not industrial or high-end.On opening the refrigerator, my heart jumped, similar to when I first looked into the Grand Canyon. Okay, that is an exaggeration, but the refrigerator compartment allows things such as wide cookie sheets and platters that would never fit in a feature-by-feature. I leisurely the horizontal space at 29.5". The shelving is semi-width, so it can be reconfigured to store narrower things of different heights as well. Unlike units with the freezer on top, the refrigerator is at eye level, making it extremely easy to grab things starting the two crisper drawers, which I discover are often the home of forgotten scary fuzz in feature-by-feature units. There are two crispers, and each has its own humidity control. There is also an unmarked drawer, which would be be clever for meats. The drawers are all through of plastic that appears to be of standard durability.The refrigerator entrance is extremely well designed to maximize storage. In addition to the butter compartment, there are 3 moveable shelves and one huge bottom shelf that spans the length of the refrigerator. This would be a great house to keep milk and larger bottled drinks. If a liquid spills on the shelves, they have ridges to prevent it starting spilling over and making a bigger mess.The freezer pulls made known pretty smoothly and contains two nice rack trays (think dishwasher racks). Dividers are included and can be moved to ensemble you. Again, much wider bits and pieces can be stored in this element than a feature-by-feature. However, the check footage of the freezer is in a weak position by the condenser equipment taking some space in the back. The sliding mounts also look a bit too much like they belong in a factory, but they do the job well and should hold up to much abuse. Thankfully, the freezer is lit well, making it easy to discover things at nighttime.When I first tried to open the freezer drawer, the whole refrigerator moved! I looked in the documentation and establish that there are little rubber feet to prevent that starting happening, which I was able to spin into house with no tools. Not single is this a nice solution, but it is also nice to know that the refrigerator is easy to reel almost for cleaning. My old refrigerator was trying to scoot.There are easy to reach digital temperature controls for in cooperation the freezer and refrigerator. These are the single background modifications available, and I do not think it over any way to install an ice maker.Every time I open the refrigerator, I am in love. This is an excellent option if refrigeration is your main priority. The freezer drawer is not bad, but is a bit inconvenient to use and less refined. This is more about design compromise than a particular critique of this Amana element. This would get on to a good relatively low-priced primary refrigerator, or a great secondary refrigerator to fit that whole failure and mammoth-sized platter that is gathering bacteria on the counter after Thanksgiving. I will update this review if I have issues with reliability.EDIT: After using this refrigerator for a while, I am upgrading the score to 5 stars. The shelving is designed so well to maximize the space, the freezer is good for large bits and pieces, and my power charge was a nice surprise. I like the feature-by-feature units, but this Amana element is more ultimate for me.
- Nerd Alert
About one month after the warranty ran out (surprise! :-(), the freezer unit started leaking fill up onto the floor! Fill up collects in the shallow well in the bottom of the freezer section and freezes. When the well is full, the fill up runs out the front of the unit (between the body of the freezer and the drawer front) forming a puddle on the floor! We need to get it serviced/repaired (who knows how much that will cost?@!*); but, in the meantime, I had to find a way to stop the leakage onto our cover carpet: I line the bottom of the freezer with a rub down and change the rub down every other day. The frozen rub down is easy to take out as one solid block of ice! It's easy but aggravating to have to dredge up to change the rub down every other day on my 14-month old, $1200+ refrigerator/bottom-freezer, which I unquestionably loved in anticipation of this problem arose. I LOVE having the freezer on the bottom but am just disgusted with the second-rate feature and planned obsolescence of products these days.Bring up to date: We flat this ourselves! It was quite easy and cost nothing. After two months or so, we've had no recurrence of the problem. See detailed solution under "Observations."
- be-as-jesus-Mom
ive been renting apartments pro years currently, and ive hated my fridges pro at least the last 4 years, so i broke down and bought my confess, after alot of research i establish this amana model, and i tenderness it.it has a ton of freezer interval, and extra fridge interval at that time i may possibly be inflicted with wished pro, room pro my zip water holding tank (we be inflicted with bad hard water where i live so this is a must) gallons of milk or additional go jugs, cubes of beverage, and all my food odds and ends and frost stores.i will mention lone potential con of this element, if i ever move again, it weighs in at be fond of 350 pounds, and its gonna be a PITA to move it.
- T. Lagerquist
Based on the reviews and including the intention of it had the fridge on the top, I was sold! The refrigerator is generous, and the humidity reins pro the crisper are great as water supply. The manufactured goods has wheels on the underside and if you take the plate off you can push to them down to stop the unit. Having the cleverness to literally not have to bend down and fix including all makes this manufactured goods water supply worth the cash. Also not having stuff fly out at you as including habitual top freezers is skilled too. You can literally all fit an extra generous pizza quantity in at this calculate no conundrum, taste including the intention of including those lame "french lobby" refrigerators and you'll be in pro disappointment! What's not to tenderness about this manufactured goods, plus it comes including a 1 year warranty! Entrust me, you'll tenderness it!
- Nycylith
kindness this appliancefirst will initiation including the serviceorder was positioned on Development 22ndat the calculate of requesting the manufactured goods i was told would get on to a epistle in 5 dayswith extra fair points in this vicinity the style of language companionship JBHUNT and fair points in this vicinity style of language processreceived my epistle Monday Development 26th at that calculate my buzz encourage came the at that calculate dayfrom the style of language companionship to fit up a calculate to yield up.They are so lovely to bring about including. She asked at the initiation approximately questions to get on to guaranteed they had the assess cut on orderthen asked in this vicinity my locality house such as if any weight limits on streets in the areaShe talked in this vicinity the administer including the intention of they were delivering this cut which came including disposal of cut if we neededplus the fit up of the apparatus in any opportunity we looked-for it in and including the intention of they take out it and pocket all the packing clarification including.Expected my Amana on April 2nd.I had a buzz encourage on Friday before to to hark back me at that calculate had a encourage two era the calculate of.At the initiation lone they called to caution me in this vicinity how greatly longer they would beand at that calculate they called ended again as they were 15 min dead.Unpacked it and installed it LOVED including the intention of they took all including the intention of clarification in trade including themThese guys were top cut in what they were dependability.Amazing consumer benefit early JBHUNTI LOVE having a freezer on the underneath pro the kids!we be inflicted including a exalted family ranking and were inane to get on to a additional freezer only pro their snacksbut currently we be inflicted including this and the full apparatus is fit up including food and drink only pro themThis is the quietest fridge i be inflicted including always ownedLove the preview of the black road extra than our Stainless Steel oneeasier to sterile it bitter.So sizeable on the surrounded by be inflicted including had 5 gallons of milk in it by the feature of including 4 juice bag boxes and 43 yogurtsThe freezer has had basically 10 uncommon hoarfrost cream novelties by the feature of including 50 freeze pops in itso opportunity has not been an come forth pro us including this cut.Will placement a photo of how full it is quickly.Straightforward to chat the do fleeting bring about if looked-for kindness the digital thermostat as a substitution for of a dial lone.easier pro the kids to admit what digit it desires to pause on.If you accurate it only do not estimate to commence it in trade up aptly dead againit actually keeps a forceful seal so is tricky to commence at approximately calculate ago in trade up againone business i did not be fond of is the booklet including the intention of came withit is a generic lone pro loads of uncommon Amana Refrigeratorswould greatly extremely lone only pro this itemso far away no issues and it beats our feature by feature stainless steel frigidaire hands downwill bring up to date as we care for by it if call for be
- lil "lil"
No more stooping to reflect it over what's pro dinner except it's in the freezer. Save pro the freezer has 2 drawers including the intention of influence made known, so it's straightforward to reflect it over what's in here. To a tall nature, this is a water supply-calculated Energy Star apparatus. Flexible glass shelves consent to you customize the surrounded by of the frig to your weakness. Here are 2 damp-top bolt from the blue crispers and lone influence-made known dairy/cheese drawer. The lobby is thick and has a generous butter screened-bitter area including the intention of will call more than 1 lb. of butter. Here is also opportunity in the lobby pro a dozen eggs in their first box. Refrigerated tea and beverage bottles basically all set in the underneath of the lobby. I rather the release lobby model to the French lobby versions. No exposed coils on the in trade of the apparatus to break be fond of my old frig. It peacefully operates save pro does look to go on evenly (of road, including the intention of may be due to the record excitement this summer). An hoarfrost-maker is NOT built-in, save pro is an choice. I be fond of to get on to my confess hoarfrost and 3 ordinary hoarfrost cube trays all set neatly in the top drawer of the freezer. The peripheral of the element has a black furrowed close, not charming, so it hides fingerprints water supply. Go on a bender pro the style of language and set-up. It was water supply value the $40 or so. I still saved ended $200 export early Amazon ended a community peddler including the intention of sought after to payment $59 pro style of language of a cut-rate amount of than 20 miles. Extremely pleased including this hold.
- farmboyWI "farmboywi"
Incredibly open and with a sleek preview, the Amana bottom-freezer refrigerator has re-energized my kitchen and thankfully replaced my greatly less roomy old fridge. The interior compartment is extremely deep, allowing for plenty of room for putting your cuisine, and as a serious plus literally all of the shelves and containers are completely customizable. You can put any of them pretty greatly somewhere and at any height, to accommodate for larger bits and pieces like beverage bottles or smaller bits and pieces like surplus Tupperware containers. The feature compartments inside the door are also easily large sufficient to hold a full gallon of milk or large container of juice, which was a complaint I had with my smaller last fridge.The bottom pull-out style freezer has two break areas for storing frozen goods and is equally customizable, with plastic dividers with the intention of can be put in different areas to meet your storage space needs. Warmth controls are located aptly up adjoin at the top of the fridge interior, making it simple to change the warmth in either the fridge or freezer. So far in my experience the fridge has also been virtually silent.There are rollers located on the bottom so it's easy to training the fridge in a kitchen and you don't end up having to "walk" it back into a confront. The handles can also be indifferent if the fridge won't fit owing to a door, although this process requires a tuning key with the intention of isn't included, so you'll be inflicted with to make a trip down to the hardware store if you don't happen to by now be inflicted with the aptly sized tool clever.While it has an amazing amount of storage space room, for the asking fee it seems strange with the intention of this Amana doesn't come with an icemaker, although it is wired for one and you can add one in shortly. The only other complaint I've had with it so far is with the intention of the seals are extremely nearly too effective, as I've noticed sometimes after closing the door with the intention of it's tiresome to re-open it aptly dead, but I believe with the intention of will fix itself as the fridge is old extra evenly and broken in. Persons are pretty insignificant issues though, and I'm definitely extremely happy with this element and would urge it to anyone looking for a new fridge who doesn't absolutely be inflicted with to be inflicted with an ice maker.
- Ty Arthur "xFiruath"
Length:: 3:03 MinsAttached is a video to show this Amana 21.9 cu. ft refrigerator's well designed bottom freezer, the refrigerator itself, and thoughts on my experience with this refrigerator.Here is my written review:Facial appearance+ Bottom freezer - two levels+ 21.9 cubic feet+ Door has four changeable slots and bottom with interval for several gallon containers, such as for milk.+ Metal handles+ Temperature hegemony for both freezer and refrigerator, set from 1 to 7 (coldest).My experience with this refrigerator* I love the bottom freezer. As you reflect it over in the video, when you pull made known the freezer, the bottom amount comes made known. The top amount can be pulled made known as well. There are several dividers to make it easier to systematize food and items.* I like the convenience of being capable to store gallon containers on the door side.* The levels in the refrigerator can be moved almost and changed easily.* Veges and fruits pause original with the humidity hegemony.By and large, this refrigerator has plenty of interval and a good freezer point. No nonsense. Just a well built product with the intention of is also energy efficient (estimated $49 yearly expense of electricity). A solid budget solution.
- Danny Yu
I was going to pass the time a few weeks to assess this fridge, but I decided to produce a assess of my initially impressions a minute. I figure this way, if anyone is looking to buy this element, they will be inflicted with approximately extra immediate input to preview over.Firstly, the delivery went perfectly smooth. The 2 gentlemen were extremely polite and professional. They were strict treatment the fridge and manuevering it owing to the household. It was actually positively quick and extremely efficient. They called the night before to remind me of the delivery calculate and at that calculate again as they were in this area a semi hour from my household. They existing to remove the old fridge, but we had decided to keep it in the garage to make use of the superfluous freezer space for now. We be inflicted with been wanting to buy a chest freezer for down there, but hadn't gotten it yet, so the old fridge will do in the meantime. There was absolutely no destruction on the fridge. No dents, bumps or scratches. It looked perfect, and I signed as such on the delivery ID.The fridge:Actually looks good. Nice shiny black. The body is textured. The handles are smooth, so they wipe aptly clean if need be. The old fridge was white, with finely textured handles and they would not come clean to keep my life. I would shrubbery and shrubbery and use each cleaner available, counting lighten and you could just not get them back to white. So, this black color is perfect in each way. Body seems as durable and well owing to as you'd estimate a fridge to be.It is extremely roomy inside and it doesn't feel like you be inflicted with to go incisive for things. Everything is aptly there and with the fridge on top it is all eye amount. No crouching to get into the drawers either.This thing is calm down too, which is a nice change from our old fridge. You barely hear it at all, even as aptly beside.All shelves, counting the shelves/compartments and butter compartment for the door are completely customizable. The door has lips the total way up and down, so you can place the shelves where on earth you want. Putting them on and changing them around is extremely easy. They be inflicted with caps on them which cap on the lips on the door. They do not actually "ponytail" totally into place. (see flaws not extra than)The butter compartment is a extremely nice size.The glass shelves are well-built and ponytail completely into place.The warmth controls are digital and aptly up adjoin. There is a break control for fridge and freezer, which is nice. Each control goes up to 7, but on the element it states with the intention of 4 is the recommended setting. We were told to let the warmth regulate 24 hours before putting fresh/thawed meats in the freezer so with the intention of the excitement was pulled out from the insulation in the element, but after 4 hours it seemed ready. I put in a fresh heat and you could tell it was starting to freeze after in this area 15 synopsis. The fridge was also ready in 4 hours and reserved everything cold as it should be inflicted with.Freezer area is ample sufficient. It has extra space and is better laid out than my top freezer fridge was. There are 2 racks (one slides o top of the other) with dividers with the intention of you can place however you want to accomodate your needs/bits and pieces. They come off easily too if you don't fancy to use them. The dividers just clip on the racks. The freezer drawer slides in and out extremely smoothly as well. I be inflicted with it filled to capacity and it subdue goes along smoothly.The element has casters or wheels on the bottom so with the intention of you can slide it easily adjoin or backward. Moving it sideways takes a modest extra push and directive though. I did not put the stoppers on the casters since I like to be able to pull the fridge out each few months and get the dust bunnies out. The casters are actually nice to be inflicted with. Our old fridge did not be inflicted with them. My kitchen baffle is natural marble and moving the old fridge a few times to clean in the rear it has gone nice gouges and scratches in it. The element does not move or pull forwards as I open it or pull the drawers out. With the intention of experience though may depend on how well blocked in the fridge is as well as the category of baffle you be inflicted with. In our kitchen, this Amana fridge is soundly blocked in between the roadblock and the stove, so it doesn't be inflicted with wiggle room.It sits extremely low to the ground, so there is barely any room for no matter what thing to slide bottom..pot caps will not fit under there, no lost jelly beans or beads, so it makes for less clean up, even for dust bunnies. Only a touch extremely flat tire will get under there (for example a popsicle stab laying flat tire). My old fridge had in this area an inch of clearance from the baffle, so stuff would permanently get slid bottom.. if the kids dropped a water pot lid by accident etc for example. No extra of persons worries now. It is a plus.Crisper drawers are crystal apparent acrylic?/ plastic. A bit light consequence and thin, but should hold up fine - with a bit of luck. I was a modest surprised at the quality or heft of the drawers. Our old fridge was a valuable freezer on top 16 cu.ft., decrease end GE costing maybe 500 bucks in this area 8 being ago. The drawers on with the intention of were heavier/thicker and seemed extra durable, so I estimate in my mentality I probable at least akin quality with this Amana, agreed it's hefty fee tag. I mean, these aren't necessarily bad, just not what I probable I estimate. The drawers each be inflicted with a humidty control on them as well. As for the size of the drawers, they are pretty large. I was able to fit 3 bags of oranges in one drawer, so with the intention of is pretty good. Even with the drawer being stuffed like with the intention of, it subdue slid out smoothly.The 2 flaws:1) The crisper drawers do not be inflicted with stoppers on them. So as you pull them out - you pull them aptly out. You be inflicted with to purposely stop yourself from pulling it the total way out. The cheese/deli drawer does be inflicted with a lid in the footstep. Not sure why the crispers don't. The crisper drawer on the feature closest to the door hinges gets bunged by the door, so with the intention of one is no come forth, but the other one will fly aptly out lacking indecision. I've dual tartan to make sure they are on the tracks accurately and indifferent and replaced them etc, but they look to be on accurately and just be inflicted with no category of lid to them.2) The compartments on the feature of the door do not totally ponytail into place. So if you were removing a touch from a compartment and bump the bottom of the compartment above it, it will pop off. With a bit of luck they can come up with a better perception for the compartments in the possibility. I just forsee my children grabbing the ketchup etc and bumping the upper compartment and everything falling, counting the compartment itself. It is definitely a touch to be mindful of.I knocked off one star for these 2 flaws. If not, I am happy with each other position so far. If any problems arise or any other notable things come to mentality, I will definitely bring up to date the assess.
- MyPenName
Amana 21.9 cu. ft. Bottom-Freezer Refrigerator, ABB2224WEB, Black
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