- Z. Boyet
I washed-out the calculate to assemble the entire element. Ordeal the valve (1st weak top early my investigate).The beer tower was abstractedly insulated. Plugged it in 9 pm and at that calculate morning 7:30 am it was still opportunity warmth.Can pocket see of derision early the cold plate, the compressor was in succession and hot. I pocket in the lead physically here was a refrigerant leak and the element arrive without any refrigerant.
- V. Chung
The Danby DKC5811BSL 5.8 cu ft kegerator is a very good unit for the fee. Plus it is American made! With the intention of is not the case for the majority of despondent-priced kegerators made known there. With the intention of being said, in view of the fact with the intention of this is an despondent-priced model there is good and bad. Initially let's go with the good: A 5lb aluminum CO2 reservoir, dual gage regulator showing reservoir pressure and beer line pressure, enough opportunity to hold two 1/6 kegs without a problem, no problems holding temperature of the keg at 36 degrees, externally mounted CO2 reservoir to extend the fill up time of your CO2, includes a good D category coupler to connect the keg, it looks good. Currently for the bad: This is a cold plate refrigerator, so the temperature is constantly unpredictable and a circulation addict is needed (I used a 120mm notebook addict with 4 screws to hold up off of bottom and an old 6v section phone mount to power with the line run through the same fissure as CO2 line), Some category of tower cooler is needed otherwise your initially beer poured will be foam if sitting unused for a while (I used an old 3 inch notebook addict I mounted to a box with the intention of I laid in the bottom of kegerator with hose going up into tower), beer line is only 5ft long...which is not a problem for most beers keep for light beers requiring privileged pressures (greater than display 12psi) could yield foam because of speed of tide...a longer beer line would decipher with the intention of, the pressure CO2 line comes with fake clamps...need to replace with metal to ensure no CO2 leaks, the 17 inch � or � oversized coors/miller kegs do not all set (kegerator is only 16� inches deep). Besides a couple of these small modifications needed it is a very good kegerator!
- Aviator001
Well, as the box arrived, it was all beat up. After I cut the straps, the box basically fell apart. The adjoin door of the kegerator has dents in it. I assembled the element per the instructions. The next day I fired it up. On the coldest setting it froze the inside. Numerous days shortly, I bought my initially keg. Oh my, this is good! The beer is cold, it works great, and I am pleased so far. However, the tap faucet drips. I need to figure out why, but I will pass the time until I drain this keg! I am considering doing what approximately others has not compulsory, building a small fan assembly to help circulate the air, especially up into the tower. I feel it was a good take care of business and a nice investment for the football season! I just fancy the door did not be inflicted with dents. They are small ornamental dents with the intention of do not preview the operation.
- Kristin Kennedy
The kegerator looks splendid and extremely qualified. It is easy to get started including splendid directions, and works flush best. We love it!
- Jan Dougherty
For this being a fill in eligible product, it was worth being compensated.Pros:- Straightforward to assemble-Keeps Keg frost- Does its jobCons:- Doesn't occur including a temperature booklover so it takes a little to discover the aptly do fleeting bring about so your beer is not too lukewarm or too frost- Shipping, they did not soubriquet including care came including approximately dentsOverall a good product and I would urge this if you were a fill in member and looking for a decent feature for a good fee.
- Michael G. Strauss
I bought a multitap have control ended (3) and kindness everyting in this vicinity it. I'm a homebrewer and can all fit 3 of my kegs in here. Greatly recommed!
- Corey Fuller
I cannot hammer a nail stright but this business was unadorned to bed in and undemanding to use. the single adjustments I looked-for to get on to from spec were the CO2 rank and do fleeting bring about.
- Phil Saucedo
effective on my third keg and has worked splendid in check over of the fact including the intention of i assembled it .It will also get actually coolness.I had it set at 8 to 9 it froze the beer affect had to curve it not effective.
- shawn head
If you purchase one of these make sure you open he package and inspect it. I had three in a row show up damaged. UPS beat the crap out the box every time.
- Larry
Danby DKC5811BSL Keg Cooler - Stainless Look
Danby All Refrigerator drum cooler Exact pro any sport consequence that you will be inflicted including at your family This Drum cooler will fit your each call for as a refrigerator and as a drum cooler Your Beer will permanently be cool and ready to be served
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